Latest news

Audio educator

We are pleased to share that audio educator Gelawésh Aliassi will be joining us in February.
Audiopedagogen has a reimbursement agreement with Helfo, which means that treatment and follow-up are free of charge for you as long as there is a referral from your GP or an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist.
Gelawésh Aliassi is educated at the University of Oslo and has experience from HØR Ullevål 2021-2023, as well as her own practice in Jessheim from 2023. She specializes in speech-language difficulties in children, tinnitus and sound sensitivity. She also assists with guidance and training in the use of hearing aids.
Please contact her on tel. 63796633 to book an appointment.

We have opened a new branch in Trondheim!

We have opened a new department in Trondheim. We are located together with Klinikk Trondheim, a modern clinic located on the 3rd floor of Fosenkaia 3, 7010 Trondheim.
We accept private patients and those with treatment insurance. We cooperate with most insurance companies.
We offer outpatient assessment and treatment of nasal congestion, sinus problems, throat problems, ear problems, earwax and impaired hearing, tinnitus, etc.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our treatment options.

We will also open for day surgery in the new year, more information will follow.


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