Operations – Lysaker

Surgery under general anesthesia

At Lysaker Spesialistklinikk we offer a range of operations under general anesthesia. We have a short waiting time and all operations are performed as day surgery, which means that you can go home the same day after the procedure.

If you wish to have surgery with us, you must first attend a consultation where an ear, nose and throat specialist will assess whether there is a medical basis for carrying out the procedure.

Our surgeons have extensive experience and we offer the following treatments:

Insertion of ear drainage/ventilation tubes in the ears

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Adenotomy - removal of false tonsil

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Tonsillectomy - removal of true tonsils

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Snoring operation

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Middle ear surgery

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Balloon dilatation of the ear trumpet (tuba austachii)

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Closure of an eardrum defect

FESS - Sinus surgery

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Complicated sinus surgery with navigational guidance

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Surgery of a crooked nasal septum


Surgery of the external nose

Removal of half the thyroid gland (hemithyroidectomy)

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Removal of the parotid gland (parotidectomy)

Removal of neck cyst

Removal of vocal cord changes

(cyst, polyp, lesion)

EILO operation - supraglottoplasty

Botox treatment of retrograde crico-pharyngeal dysfunction (RCPD) under general anesthesia

We also perform the following surgeries under local anesthesia

Conchotomy - burning of nose mussels with a radio wave knife

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Filler and botox treatment on vocal cords for hoarseness and paralysis

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Insertion of ear cleaners

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    Surgery under general anesthesia


    Our surgeons have extensive experience and we offer the following treatments:

    • Insertion of ear drainage/ventilation tubes in the ears
    • Adenotomy – removal of false tonsil
    • Tonsillectomy – removal of true tonsils
    • Snoring operation
    • Middle ear surgery
    • Balloon dilatation of the ear trumpet (tuba austachii)
    • Myringoplasty – closure of an eardrum defect
    • FESS – Sinus surgery
    • Complicated sinus surgery with navigational guidance
    • Septoplasty – surgery of a crooked nasal septum
    • Rhinoplasty – surgery of the outer nose
    • Removal of half the thyroid gland (hemithyroidectomy)
    • Removal of the parotid gland (parotidectomy)
    • Removal of neck cyst
    • Removal of vocal cord changes (cyst, polyp, lesion)
    • EILO operation – supraglottoplasty
    • Botox treatment of retrograde crico-pharyngeal dysfunction (RCPD) under general anesthesia
    We also perform the following surgeries under local anesthesia
    • Conchotomy – burning of nose mussels with a radio wave knife
    • Filler and botox treatment on vocal cords for hoarseness and paralysis
    • Insertion of ear cleaners


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