Health insurance

Spesialistklinikkene AS has entered into agreements with the following companies that offer health insurance:

  • Vertical Health Assistance
  • If
  • Storebrand
  • Fremtind insurance
  • Mutual
  • Tryg
  • Falck Helse (Protector, Codan, DNB, Eika)
  • Euro Accident

Here’s how to make use of your health insurance:

  1. Contact your own doctor for a referral to a specialist.
  2. Send the referral to your insurance company.
  3. Inform your caseworker that you wish to take advantage of the offer at Spesialistklinikkene AS (please specify which department you want an appointment at).
  4. You will be contacted by us shortly after we have received the referral.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Talk to us

Contact us for an appointment

With our specialists, you can get a quick appointment without a referral from your GP.

We’ll call you!

    Leave your phone number, and we will call you back!

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