Health insurance
Spesialistklinikkene AS has entered into agreements with the following companies that offer health insurance:
- Vertical Health Assistance
- If
- Storebrand
- Fremtind insurance
- Mutual
- Tryg
- Falck Helse (Protector, Codan, DNB, Eika)
- Euro Accident
Here’s how to make use of your health insurance:
- Contact your own doctor for a referral to a specialist.
- Send the referral to your insurance company.
- Inform your caseworker that you wish to take advantage of the offer at Spesialistklinikkene AS (please specify which department you want an appointment at).
- You will be contacted by us shortly after we have received the referral.
Talk to us
Contact us for an appointment
With our specialists, you can get a quick appointment without a referral from your GP.