Ear, nose, throat

Help with investigation If you have head/ear, nose and throat symptoms that are not described on our website, you can still contact us. Call us to see if we can examine you for your symptoms, and we will arrange an appointment with the specialist who we feel will be able to help you with your symptoms in the best possible way.  

What is ringing in the ears/tinnitus? A sound experience that only you register, without any external sound source and without you being hallucinated or confused May present as a light hiss, buzz, roar, engine noise or beeps, and may be accompanied by hearing loss. Some people experience this noise as high-frequency or low-frequency tones. Ringing in the ears can be very annoying. Can be single or double sided, constant or intermittent Occurrence Common in the elderly In self-reporting, approx. 10-15% of

What is ear pain? Ear pain can be an expression of disorders in the ear or disorders with localization elsewhere in the head and neck area but which radiate to the ear What could be the reason? Outer ear canal inflammation Acute otitis media Pimple in the ear canal (ear canal furuncle) Wax lump Foreign body in the ear canal Jaw joint pain Other reason Who can help you? An ENT specialist will be able to perform a satisfactory examination in order to make

What is dizziness? Dizziness, also called vertigo, is an umbrella term for symptoms such as a feeling of rotation inside or outside the head or a rocking sensation - a false sense of movement. Occurrence Dizziness is the primary reason for contact in 1-3% of consultations in general practice, as a sub-symptom it is far more common In the over 65 age group, almost 1/3 experience episodes of dizziness What could be the reason? Positional vertigo (BPPV/crystal sickness) Virus on the balance nerve

What is bad swallowing? Difficulty swallowing is a swallowing disorder that can be caused by any structure from the lip to the sphincter at the end of the esophagus. Occurrence Chronic swallowing difficulties are reported to occur in 8-10% of the population over the age of 50 and even higher among patients in nursing homes Common causes Inflammation/infection in the mouth and throat Anatomical changes in the oral cavity (enlarged tonsils, oral cavity tumors, tooth decay, dentures) Acid complaints Esophageal cancer Esophageal pouch

About sleep Normal sleep consists of two different physiological parts REM and NREM. NREM is divided into four phases that describe how deeply you sleep. During deep sleep, breathing is calm and even, the temperature in the body and in the brain drops, the brain's blood circulation and glucose uptake are reduced and the brain's electrical activity consists mostly of large, slow voltage fluctuations. The different sleep phases are not yet known in detail, but in recent years many theories have

What is paradoxical vocal cord mobility? It's a vocal cord disorder where the vocal cords close up when they're supposed to be apart, such as during inhalation. What are the symptoms of paradoxical vocal cord mobility? Paradoxical vocal cord mobility can be misdiagnosed as asthma in some cases as the symptoms consist of wheezing and difficulty breathing. What are the causes of this condition? Abuse of the voice (screaming or pronounced coughing) Heavy physical activity Reflux disease Psychic Neurological disease How to make the

What is nasal congestion? There is a narrowing of the nasal passage so that inhaling and exhaling through the nose becomes problematic Occurrence Periodic nasal congestion associated with upper respiratory tract infections is experienced by most people several times a year Permanent nasal congestion in children with enlarged false tonsils is not uncommon Polyps in adolescents and adults are also not entirely uncommon Common causes Allergy Nasal polyps False tonsils (adenoids) Skewed nasal septum Hypersensitive mucosa Enlarged nose mussels Upper respiratory tract infection

What is a nosebleed? Most cases of nasal bleeding originate from the front of the nose. More rarely, the bleeding blood vessel is located further back in the nose Occurrence Anterior bleeding accounts for about 95% of all nosebleeds Anterior nasal bleeding is most common in children and adolescents, but occurs at all ages With increasing age, the number of posterior nosebleeds increases Only in very rare cases is there bleeding from multiple locations Common causes Mild irritation and dryness in the

What is hearing loss? The threshold for normal hearing is 0-20 dB (HL), at threshold 60-70 dB (HL) you cannot hear normal speech and at threshold above 90-100 dB (HL) you cannot hear loud shouts. Hearing loss is categorized by cause: Conductive/mechanical hearing loss Due to mechanical failure of the transmission to the inner ear Neurogenic hearing loss Caused by cochlear or retrocochlear failure - often qualitatively damaged (speech understanding) Banded hearing loss Is a combination of the above Hearing loss can be congenital or acquired Occurrence

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