Do you want corrections in your teeth alignment, or has your dentist found bite deviations that cause unfavorable wear on teeth? Then invisible braces could be the solution for you. Invisible braces, also known as Invisalign or Aligner, are effective, simple and comfortable. It's also completely safe, as we carry out a thorough check of your teeth and dental status and work closely with specialists. The treatment consists of removable transparent aligners, individually adapted to each patient. How
Difficulties with cleaning: Wisdom teeth are the teeth that erupt last, usually at the age of 18-24. As they are located at the back of each jaw, they don't always have enough room to emerge fully. Wisdom teeth that are partially covered by gums in this way can be difficult to keep clean (fig. I). Plaque and food debris can then settle under the gums and result in troublesome inflammation around the tooth (fig. II). Typical signs of such inflammation are
During pregnancy, eating habits often change. Meals become more frequent and more sugary foods are eaten. This makes it easier for some pregnant women to develop cavities. Many pregnant women will also find that their gums become inflamed and bleed more easily. This may be due to hormonal changes. To avoid problems with your teeth and gums during pregnancy, it's important to have a sensible diet and good hygiene. How to take care of your teeth
Tooth extraction or surgical removal of a tooth: There may be several reasons why a tooth needs to be removed. Based on a clinical examination and X-rays, the dentist can assess whether the tooth can be extracted in the usual way, or whether it needs to be surgically removed. In both cases, the procedure is performed under local anesthesia. If the tooth needs to be extracted, the gums will be folded aside, the necessary jawbone removed and the tooth divided as
Our dentists are educated at the Faculty of Odontology at the University of Oslo. During their training, they have had a strong focus on patients with dental fear. They have built on their theoretical knowledge and implemented it in their treatment methods. We know that one in ten Norwegians suffers from dental fear (odontophobia). Contacting the dentist is often the most difficult thing for people with this phobia. It may be good to know that we see it as one
Teeth grinding is a relatively common problem. It's estimated that around 5 percent of the adult population suffers from this condition at any one time. Most people grind their teeth at night while sleeping and are therefore unaware of the problem. Others may grind their teeth during the day, for example when they are concentrating. Signs of teeth grinding: If you have been suffering from teeth grinding for a long time, you will be able to see this in
Teeth with large fillings: In teeth with large fillings, the tooth substance around the filling is weakened. When you chew, thin cracks can eventually develop in the tooth. These cracks develop under the filling and usually run at an angle away from the dental nerve. Over time, these cracks can cause part of the tooth to break and fall out. In some cases, the tooth breaks because you chew on something hard, but this is often not the case. Rather, it
Acid damage to teeth is a growing problem in today's society. Diets have changed and both food and drink can contain harmful acids. Frequent consumption of soft drinks, juices and sports drinks can cause serious damage to teeth over time. The same applies to different types of fruit, such as citrus fruits. Typical signs of acid damage are: thinned enamel Icing in the teeth nicks/pits in the enamel teeth with yellower fields and a duller surface Acid damage is
What is a root canal? In the middle of the tooth there is a cavity with nerves and blood vessels called the pulp. A root canal involves cleaning out the pulp and replacing it with a plastic, bacteria-proof material. The treatment usually extends over a minimum of two visits to the dentist. The procedure itself takes place under local anesthesia and is usually painless. After the tooth has been filled, it can be rebuilt. This is done with a tooth-colored filling
To avoid problems with your teeth and gums, it's important to have a sensible diet and good hygiene. Here is some advice on how to take care of your teeth in the best possible way: Have regular meals and avoid snacking between meals. If you must eat something between meals, take fruit or vegetables instead of something sweet. Reduce your intake of sugary foods and drinks. For example, soft drinks can be replaced with water as a thirst