Swelling / lump on the throat

Swelling/cool on the neck

Includes tumors, nodules and localized swellings on the neck and is a common phenomenon.

Common causes

  • Infection
  • Halcysts
  • Thyroid disease (e.g. goiter)
  • Disease of the salivary gland
  • Malignant disease
  • Other causes

Who can help you?

One of our ear, nose and throat specialists will be able to perform a satisfactory examination in order to make the correct diagnosis and start appropriate treatment. We have access to ultrasound equipment which makes it possible to map the change during the consultation.

We are also able to perform ultrasound examinations of the neck and take tissue samples that are analyzed at the local hospital within a short time. In this way, we ensure that our patients receive a full assessment within a short time.


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