Hearing impairment

What is hearing loss?

The threshold for normal hearing is 0-20 dB (HL), at threshold 60-70 dB (HL) you cannot hear normal speech and at threshold above 90-100 dB (HL) you cannot hear loud shouts.

Hearing loss is categorized by cause:

  • Conductive/mechanical hearing loss
    Due to mechanical failure of the transmission to the inner ear
  • Neurogenic hearing loss
    Caused by cochlear or retrocochlear failure – often qualitatively damaged (speech understanding)
  • Banded hearing loss
    Is a combination of the above
    Hearing loss can be congenital or acquired


  • Approximately 20-30 people per 1000 patients per year seek medical attention for hearing loss
  • Most people have temporary hearing loss as a result of earwax or colds
  • Permanent hearing loss is more often due to noise-induced damage than to outer or inner ear disease
  • Incidence of hearing loss increases with age
  • The prevalence of hearing impairment is about 0.8% among men 18-24 years
  • The prevalence of hearing loss is approximately 18% among men aged 75-79

What could be the reason?

  • Acute otitis media
  • Barotrauma
  • Earwax
  • Otosclerosis
  • Age-related hearing impairment
  • Foreign body in the ear canal
  • Noise damage
  • Meniere’s disease
  • Tumor on the auditory nerve
  • Other reason

Who can help you?

One of our ear, nose and throat specialists will be able to perform a satisfactory examination in order to make the correct diagnosis and start appropriate treatment.

We have standardized procedures as well as access to state-of-the-art equipment to ensure our patients are thoroughly and quickly assessed.


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