Herpes cold sores

Cold sores are caused by a virus (herpes simplex virus type 1). The sores start with itching and tingling of the skin on and around the lips. Eventually, small fluid-filled blisters form and break out into sores.

Causes of cold sores:

Large parts of the population are infected with the herpes virus, but far from everyone gets outbreaks of cold sores. The virus is latent in the body and can be reactivated during periods when the immune system is weakened, for example during a cold. In some people, this causes infections in the form of mouth sores on and around the lips. Other causes of outbreaks can be periods of stress or exposure to strong sunlight.

Treatment of cold sores:

Treatment of herpes cold sores is largely based on virus-inhibiting creams that are applied to and around the wound. A dentist or doctor will be able to prescribe a suitable medication. These creams should both speed up healing and reduce the discomfort and pain associated with the sore. It is important to start treatment early, preferably as soon as you feel a tingling sensation in the skin.

Important advice:

  • Maintain thorough hand hygiene during outbreaks and avoid touching the wounds directly. Be aware that the herpes virus can spread to other parts of the body.
  • It is also easy to infect others when the wound is active. Therefore, avoid kissing and do not drink from the same bottle as others.
  • Use a cold sore patch. These are available from pharmacies and can alleviate the discomfort of the outbreak while preventing further infection.
  • Avoid strong sun. If necessary, use lip balm with a high sun protection factor.
  • Inform your dentist in advance if you have a dental appointment at the same time as an active herpes sore.

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