Contact us

No need for referral

With our specialists, you can get a quick appointment without a referral from your GP. By contacting us directly, you will often save time that would otherwise have been spent waiting for an appointment with your GP, specialist or local hospital.

Specialists at our clinics have equipment that ensures a thorough and efficient examination. In this way, we can replace the first two steps in the assessment process.

We also have our own operating room at Lysaker and in Bergen and can offer most day surgery procedures in the field of ENT.

Use the contact form below and we will contact you by phone for an appointment as soon as possible. Always contact us directly by phone at 63796633 if you need an appointment urgently. There are periodically longer processing times for contact forms.

Talk to us

Contact us for an appointment

With our specialists, you can get a quick appointment without a referral from your GP.

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    Leave your phone number, and we will call you back!

    Our clinics

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