Bergen Specialist Clinic
In Bergen, we have opened a brand new, state-of-the-art department with an ear, nose and throat outpatient clinic and day surgery. Our specialists have a high level of expertise in the assessment and treatment of diseases and ailments in the ear, nose and throat area.
Specialist appointment without referral
You can get a quick appointment with our specialists without needing a referral from your GP. By contacting us directly, you will often save time that would otherwise have been spent waiting for an appointment with your GP or specialist.
Ear nose throat
We accept children and adults for assessment and treatment of all common and rare ear, nose and throat disorders and diseases, as well as day surgery.
At Bergen Spesialistklinikk, we offer day surgery under general anesthesia with a short waiting time. Patients wishing to undergo surgery must first attend an outpatient appointment with one of our specialists to assess their symptoms and ailments.
Talk to us
Contact us for an appointment
With our specialists, you can get a quick appointment without a referral from your GP.