Interdisciplinarity and high competence

Our vision is to be a partner for the public healthcare system with an emphasis on interdisciplinarity and high competence

Latest news

Latest news about our treatment offer

Appointment with an ENT specialist without referral

With our ear, nose and throat specialists, you can get a quick appointment without needing a referral from your GP.

Fear of dentistry

Our dentists in Romerike are educated at the Faculty of Odontology at the University of Oslo. During their training, they have had a strong focus on patients with dental fear.

Specialist clinics

Spesialistklinikkene AS is a chain of private ENT clinics with branches in Lillestrøm, Lysaker and Bergen. Our team consists of ENT doctors and dentists with extensive experience from the public and private sectors.

Our clinics are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and we have expertise in various disciplines.

Our clinics

Health insurance

Spesialistklinikkene AS has entered into an agreement with the following company that offers treatment insurance.
Read more here

Talk to us

Contact us for an appointment

With our specialists, you can get a quick appointment without a referral from your GP.

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